Sunday, February 24, 2013

Research Paper

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part of your project was the fact that you brought up the idea of the cultural W-curve because I think that the whole broken doll concept can be used to describe and find deeper meanings in a lot of cultural novels, and after all this is AP Multicultural Literature. This concept applies to so many books we have read in this class, and can extend further into our English careers, mostly on the AP exam. I think that you made it clear to look at the adjustments to new societies in the literature, and that this can develop main ideas in a piece and create the novel’s overall purpose.
    I also think that it is very helpful that you mention the poetic vocabulary such as the sestina. I am personally not very good at poetry, and I think that the form is an important aspect in creating a meaning in poetry, which can also be used to broaden ideas from a novel. You mention that your poem also deviates from the original form of the sestina, and no matter what form the poet uses, if there is a deviation it is important to look at this.
